首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the 2018 3rd Digital Heritage International Congress held jointly with the 2018 24th International Conference on Virtual Systems amp; Multimedia >Digital Documentation Workflow and Challenges for Tropical Vernacular Architecture in the Case of the Kasepuhan Palace in Cirebon, Indonesia

Digital Documentation Workflow and Challenges for Tropical Vernacular Architecture in the Case of the Kasepuhan Palace in Cirebon, Indonesia


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The digital documentation of heritage buildings has become more and more important in recent times in order to archive historic sites endangered by both natural and anthropological threats. The use of photogrammetry and laser scanning has become the norm in 3D heritage documentation and has proven its worth in various case studies. However, these methods have not been used extensively in the context of tropical and vernacular architecture, the type of which is often encountered in the lndonesian archipelago. The Kasepuhan Palace in Cirebon, Indonesia, presents a prime example of urban vernacular architecture which corresponds to this particular problem. The palace exhibits some vernacular elements with timber masonry, while at the same time addressing typical tropical climate concerns in its design and layout. The objective of this paper is to implement the digital documentation workflow using both photogrammetry and laser scanning in documenting the site, while addressing specific challenges and concerns regarding its characteristic architectural style. In terms of sensors, terrestrial laser scanners, DSLR and spherical cameras, as well as UAVs were utilized to this end. The end product at this stage of the project is a hybrid georeferenced 3D model resulting from the integration of all sensors. Results have shown that although the proposed workflow has been successfully employed on the Kasepuhan Palace site, specific challenges need to be addressed in a particular manner.
机译:为了存档受自然和人类学威胁威胁的历史遗迹,近来遗产建筑的数字文档变得越来越重要。摄影测量和激光扫描的使用已成为3D传统文档的规范,并已在各种案例研究中证明了其价值。但是,在热带和本土建筑的背景下,这些方法尚未得到广泛使用,在印度尼西亚群岛中经常遇到这种类型的建筑。印度尼西亚井里汶的卡斯普汉宫(Kasepuhan Palace)就是一个城市白话建筑的典范,与这个特殊问题相对应。宫殿展示了一些用木材砌筑的乡土元素,同时在设计和布局中解决了典型的热带气候问题。本文的目的是利用摄影测量法和激光扫描技术来实施数字文档工作流程,以对站点进行记录,同时解决有关其特色建筑风格的特定挑战和关注点。在传感器方面,为此目的使用了地面激光扫描仪,DSLR和球形摄像机以及无人机。该项目此阶段的最终产品是混合了地理参考的3D模型,该模型是所有传感器集成而成的。结果表明,尽管建议的工作流程已在Kasepuhan Palace网站上成功采用,但仍需要以特定方式解决特定挑战。



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