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Privacy preserving data auditing protocol for secure storage in mobile cloud computing


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In spite of the growing usage of smart mobile devices, the inherent restrictions like resource scarcity, mobility and frequent disconnections makes it difficult to exploit its full potential. Cloud computing simplifies the deployment of large-scale distributed systems and enables advanced computational power with improved storage capabilities. The evolution of Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) exploits the services of Cloud Service Providers (CSP) by outsourcing the local data storage and computation to the remote servers and thereby relieving the overhead incurred by mobile clients for data storage and processing. In spite of the relief, the clients no longer have control over their outsourced data which demands the purpose of ensuring the data intactness maintained by the Cloud Storage Server (CSS). The resource constrained mobile devices act as a thin client for the cloud server access and hence the computation for ensuring the proof of correctness for secure data storage becomes an overhead with existing solutions. The proposed auditing protocol introduces a trusted third party auditor (TPA) who will be in charge of verifying the correctness of data stored at cloud storage on behalf of the user without the need for retrieving the entire data. The usage of Bilinear pairing and Merkle Hash Trees guarantees Blockless verification by TPA. The verification process in the proposed method reduces the auditing overhead at the mobile device using short signatures. The proposed auditing protocol saves the mobile client's computational resource, thereby achieving cost-effectiveness to gain trust in the Cloud Storage Service.
机译:尽管智能移动设备的使用不断增长,但诸如资源稀缺,移动性和频繁断开连接之类的固有限制使其难以充分发挥其潜力。云计算简化了大规模分布式系统的部署,并通过改进的存储功能实现了高级计算能力。移动云计算(MCC)的演进通过将本地数据存储和计算外包到远程服务器来利用云服务提供商(CSP)的服务,从而减轻了移动客户端进行数据存储和处理所产生的开销。尽管有所缓解,客户端仍无法控制其外包数据,这需要确保Cloud Storage Server(CSS)维护数据完整性的目的。资源受限的移动设备充当云服务器访问的瘦客户端,因此,用于确保安全数据存储正确性证明的计算成为现有解决方案的开销。拟议的审核协议引入了受信任的第三方审核员(TPA),该第三方审核员将负责代表用户验证存储在云存储中的数据的正确性,而无需检索整个数据。双线性配对和Merkle哈希树的使用保证了TPA的无块验证。所提出的方法中的验证过程使用短签名减少了移动设备上的审计开销。提出的审核协议节省了移动客户端的计算资源,从而实现了成本效益,从而获得了对Cloud Storage Service的信任。



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