
Pitch heights and contours of tones in weifang dialect: An experimental investigation


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An experiment was conducted to investigate pitch heights and contours of tones in Weifang Dialect. Eight middle- aged native speakers of Weifang Dialect participated in the experimental fieldwork. Tone types and values described in Documentation of Weifang Dialect [1] were taken as a reference. Acoustic data, including duration and fundamental frequency (F0), were extracted by using a Praat script- ProsodyPro [2] to track the pitch heights and contours of each tone-syllable sequence in the stimuli. F0 values were normalized to Log-Z (LZ) scores for speakers' individual differences [3, 4]. Tone values extracted from the LZ scores were determined according to the five-scale annotation of tones [5]. Tones in Weifang Dialect were found 324, 52, 44, and 41 in the experiment in contrast to 213, 42, 55 and 21 in Documentation of Weifang Dialect. Syllable durations of the different tones were also examined and compared.
机译:进行了一项实验研究潍坊方言的音高和音高轮廓。潍坊方言的八位中年母语人士参加了实验田野调查。潍坊方言文献[1]中描述的声调类型和值作为参考。通过使用Praat脚本ProsodyPro [2]来提取包括持续时间和基频(F0)在内的声音数据,以跟踪刺激中每个音节序列的音高和轮廓。根据说话者的个体差异,将F0值标准化为Log-Z(LZ)分数[3,4]。从LZ分数中提取的音调值是根据五音阶注解确定的[5]。在实验中,潍坊方言的音调分别为324、52、44和41,而《潍坊方言文献》则为213、42、55和21。还检查并比较了不同音调的音节持续时间。



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