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The wonderful adventures of the mathematician in logic-land: From Lukasiewicz-Moisil logic to computers


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In 1996 Grigore C. Moisil received posthumously the IEEE Computer Pioneer Award for the development of polyvalent logic switching circuits, the Romanian School of Computing, and support of the first Romanian computers. Moisil, one of the greatest Romanian intellectuals, was first of all a gifted mathematician. His mentors were Bertrand Russell, Stefan Banach and Kazimierz Kuratowski, and the Romanian mathematicians Spiru Haret, Dimitrie Pompeiu and Gheorghe ¿¿i¿¿eica, among others. He graduated mathematics at the University of Bucharest in 1926 and obtained the Ph.D. in 1929 with a thesis of applied mathematics "Analytical Mechanics of Continuous Systems". His first works were devoted to functional analysis applied in the mechanics of deformable media and also to abstract algebra. But where we will focus on mostly is his visionary attitude embedded into a special sense for new directions in mathematics and the encounter during his activity at the University of Ia¿¿i, with the Polish school of logic, marking the beginning of the wonderful adventures in the field of multi-valued logic. My contribution is focused on emphasising the major milestones of the journey of the mathematician towards the magic world of computer science.
机译:Grigore C. Moisil于1996年因开发多价逻辑交换电路,罗马尼亚计算机学校以及对第一台罗马尼亚计算机的支持而死后获得了IEEE计算机先锋奖。 Moisil是罗马尼亚最伟大的知识分子之一,首先是一位天才的数学家。他的导师是贝特朗·罗素(Bertrand Russell),斯特凡·巴纳赫(Stefan Banach)和卡齐米兹·库拉托夫斯基(Kazimierz Kuratowski),以及罗马尼亚数学家斯皮鲁·哈雷特(Spiru Haret),迪米特里·庞贝(Dimitrie Pompeiu)和格奥尔基·塞里·艾卡(Gheorghe¿他于1926年毕业于布加勒斯特大学数学系,并获得博士学位。在1929年发表了应用数学论文“连续系统的分析力学”。他的第一批作品致力于将功能分析应用于可变形介质的力学以及抽象代数。但是,我们最需要关注的是他的远见卓识,他对数学的新方向有着特殊的理解,并且在他在波兰逻辑学校的Ia¿¿i大学活动期间遇到了相遇,标志着奇妙冒险的开始在多值逻辑领域。我的贡献集中于强调数学家迈向计算机科学魔术世界的主要里程碑。



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