首页> 外文会议>2014 International Conference on Power System Technology: Towards Green, Efficient and Smart Power System >Distributed three-phase reactive power control of distributed energy resources in distribution systems

Distributed three-phase reactive power control of distributed energy resources in distribution systems




This paper proposes a new distributed control method for three-phase reactive power control of distributed energy resources (DERs) in distribution systems. Each DER-connected bus has been equipped with a local bus controller which has bi-way communications with bus controllers at adjacent buses upstream and downstream to the bus under consideration. The reactive powers of a DER-connected bus are adjusted to prevent its monitored buses from voltage violations. When voltage violations occur, the required reactive powers for the bus are determined based on the voltage violations on its monitored buses, and equivalent impedances and phase angle shifting between the substation transformer and the study bus. If the required reactive powers of a DER-connected bus are beyond its capacities, the neighbor DER-connected buses are required to share the additional generations. A new iterative residual splitting distributed control algorithm is proposed to coordinate the reactive powers between DER-connected buses. Each DER unit at a DER-connected bus has been equipped with a local unit controller which has bi-way communications with unit controllers at adjacent units of the same bus as the unit under consideration. A consensus-based distributed control algorithm is used to allocate the total demand among units with respect to their capacities. The test results on a modified IEEE 123-node feeder are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
机译:针对配电系统中分布式能源的三相无功功率控制,提出了一种新的分布式控制方法。每个连接DER的总线都配备了本地总线控制器,该总线控制器与正在考虑的总线上游和下游的相邻总线上的总线控制器进行双向通信。调整连接DER的总线的无功功率,以防止其监视的总线违反电压。发生电压违规时,将根据监视的总线上的电压违规以及变电站变压器和研究总线之间的等效阻抗和相角偏移来确定总线所需的无功功率。如果连接DER的总线所需的无功功率超出其容量,则需要连接DER的相邻总线共享更多的发电量。提出了一种新的迭代残差分裂分布式控制算法,用于协调DER连接的母线之间的无功功率。连接DER的总线上的每个DER单元都配备了本地单元控制器,该控制器与所考虑的单元在同一总线的相邻单元上与单元控制器进行双向通信。基于共识的分布式控制算法用于根据单元的容量在各个单元之间分配总需求。给出了在改进的IEEE 123节点馈线上的测试结果,以证明所提出方法的有效性。



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