首页> 外文会议>2013 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies. >Zonal overcurrent protection for smart radial distribution systems with distributed generation

Zonal overcurrent protection for smart radial distribution systems with distributed generation


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In a smart radial distribution grid (RDS), distributed generators (DGs) will be more prominent. The addition of the DGs changes the topology of RDS, causes bidirectional power flows and contributes to fault current levels. This may result in unwanted tripping of existing overcurrent (OC) protection devices and in permanent outage of a large number of customers. The increased penetration of DGs requires a smarter protection that considers all the network flows while optimizing the system assets. This paper presents an approach that modified an existing overcurrent protection scheme to reduce the number of customers' affected by faults in RDS with DGs. The modified approach involves predefining protection zones in RDS and installing directional OC relays and circuit breakers at the zonal boundaries. Zonal boundary relays determine faulted zones by sharing information on the direction of their detected fault current using binary bit signals over a radio frequency communication medium. The approach was verified through simulations using EMTP™/PSCAD®. Results from simulations showed the selective identification and isolation of faulted zones while allowing some of the DGs to continue to supply the unfaulted parts of the system.
机译:在智能径向配电网(RDS)中,分布式发电机(DG)将更加突出。 DG的添加改变了RDS的拓扑结构,导致双向功率流,并导致故障电流水平。这可能会导致现有的过电流(OC)保护设备发生意外跳闸,并导致大量客户永久停机。 DG渗透率的提高要求提供更智能的保护,该保护在考虑所有网络流量的同时优化系统资产。本文提出了一种方法,该方法修改了现有的过流保护方案,以减少受DG的RDS中的故障影响的客户数量。修改后的方法包括在RDS中预定义保护区域,并在区域边界安装定向OC继电器和断路器。区域边界继电器通过在射频通信介质上使用二进制位信号共享有关检测到的故障电流方向的信息来确定故障区域。该方法已通过使用EMTP™/PSCAD®的仿真进行了验证。仿真结果表明,选择性识别和隔离了故障区域,同时允许某些DG继续为系统的未故障部分供电。



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