首页> 外文会议>2012 SNAME annual meeting amp; expo and ship production symposium proceedings >The Use of Planning System Integration (PSI) for Improved Ship Production Quality, Cost and Schedule Predictability

The Use of Planning System Integration (PSI) for Improved Ship Production Quality, Cost and Schedule Predictability


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To face challenges associated withrnreduced shipbuilding budgets andrnincreased ship system complexity, thernPlanning System Integrationrnmethodology has been created. PlanningrnSystem Integration is a union betweenrnEngineering, Supply ChainrnManagement, Planning, Scheduling andrnSystems Engineering implemented inrnnew, innovative processes and tools tornlink system interfaces to material,rnplanning, scheduling and test data viarnsystem requirements (technical, shiprnspecific, etc.). Planning SystemrnIntegration facilitates:rn1.reduced rework acrossrndepartments and disciplines byrnintegrating and verifyingrnengineering, material, planningrnand scheduling data per SystemsrnEngineering methodsrn2.identification, analysis andrnconfiguration management ofrninterface data by assimilatingrnsystem data into InterfacernTraceability Matricesrn3.Program milestonernaccomplishment by interlinkingrninterface data with planning andrnscheduling datarn4.validation of work package/rnwork order content per systemrnrequirements by analyzingrninterlinked interface, planningrnand scheduling datarn5.verification of Integrated MasterrnSchedule (IMS) relationshipsrnper system requirements for testrn6.assessment of materialrnavailability (and impact ofrnobsolescence) using materialrntraceability down to ExpandedrnShip Work BreakdownrnStructure (ESWBS) level 7 perrnsystem requirementsrn7.improved quality and costrnperformance of ship productionrnplans by utilizing interface datarnfor impact and trade study analysesrnThe purpose of Planning System Integration is torndesign and plan from ?top down,? and integraternand test from “bottom up” to ensure systems arernfabricated accurately and efficiently, therebyrnimproving ship production quality, cost andrnschedule predictability. This paper discusses thernuse of these processes and tools based onrnSystems Engineering principles to support NavyrnShip Construction plans.



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