首页> 外文会议>2012 IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications. >Influence of ecotourism activities on the forest structure and light intensity in forests of Taman Negara Pahang

Influence of ecotourism activities on the forest structure and light intensity in forests of Taman Negara Pahang

机译:生态旅游活动对Taman Negara Pahang森林的森林结构和光强度的影响

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Ecotourism activities in protected area such as in Taman Negara (i.e., hiking and camping) may result in canopy opening which increases light transmission to the forests floor and influencing the variation in forest structure. Thus, this study was conducted to evaluate the effects of ecotourism activities on the light intensity and examine its influence to the forest structure in the protected forests of Taman Negara Pahang. Information on light intensity and forest stand attributes were collected in a total of 16, 20 m × 25 m plots which consists of camping sites, forest trails and natural areas. All trees ≥ 1 cm in diameter-at-breast height (DBH) were measured, tagged and numbered. The light intensity was measured using hemispherical photography at nine points randomly sampled in each plot. The diffuse light intensity recorded in hemispherical photographs was analysed (in percent) using RGBFisheye software. From the field measurements, there is a significant difference (P≤0.05) in basal area between two conditions (i.e., disturbed and undisturbed). The means of light intensity as recorded in hemispherical photographs of forest trails, camping sites and natural areas were 11.37%, 10.05% and 8.32%, respectively. Results from the analysis of variance indicated that there was a significant difference in the means of light intensity among study conditions (P≤0.05). Moreover, all study areas showed an inverse J-shaped DBH distribution which indicates the presence of abundance regeneration in the forest and the stands are still at the stage of development. Therefore, the study showed that the increase in light intensity in disturbed areas may result in the variation of forest structure beneath canopy. This could be because of the lesser stratification of canopy layers and the tolerance between some tree species and light in the disturbed areas.
机译:在塔曼尼加拉(Taman Negara)等保护区进行的生态旅游活动(即远足和露营)可能会导致树冠开放,从而增加了向森林地面的透光率并影响了森林结构的变化。因此,本研究旨在评估生态旅游活动对光强度的影响,并考察其对塔曼·内加拉彭亨保护森林中森林结构的影响。在总共16个20 m×25 m的土地上收集了有关光照强度和林分属性的信息,其中包括露营地,森林步道和自然区域。测量,标记和编号所有直径≥1 cm的树木。使用半球摄影在每个图中随机采样的九个点测量光强度。使用RGBFisheye软件分析了半球照片中记录的漫射光强度(百分比)。根据现场测量,两种情况(即受干扰和不受干扰)之间的基础区域存在显着差异(P≤0.05)。在森林步道,露营地和自然区域的半球形照片中记录的光强度平均值分别为11.37%,10.05%和8.32%。方差分析的结果表明,不同研究条件下光强度的平均值存在显着差异(P≤0.05)。此外,所有研究区域均呈反J形DBH分布,这表明森林中存在大量的再生,并且林分仍处于发展阶段。因此,研究表明,受干扰地区的光强增加可能会导致冠层下森林结构的变化。这可能是由于树冠层的分层较少以及受干扰区域中某些树种与光线之间的耐受性所致。



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