首页> 外文会议>2012 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops. >The development of Chen's flying needle based on the traditional Chinese Medicine: A needle-inserting technique created by a distinguished veteran doctor of TCM

The development of Chen's flying needle based on the traditional Chinese Medicine: A needle-inserting technique created by a distinguished veteran doctor of TCM


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Nowadays acupuncture is considered as a widely-used and complementary therapy for many diseases, which also has a long history in the development of traditional Chinese medicine. However, it still troubles us for the needling-infection, pain-sensation and inflexibly-operating. Chen's flying needle treatment has solved the problem above-mentioned for he has created a brand-new technology of acupuncture inserting-operation with the concept of ‘simple-ness, convenience, cheapness and effectiveness’. The inventor of the new technique is professor Chen-quanxin who has been engaged in acupuncture for fifty-six years and well respected as a distinguished veteran doctor of TCM in China. A research focusing on the clinical experience and academic ideological of professor Chen-quanxin has been established and carried out since 2007, which was supported by the Eleventh Five-year Project of State Ministry of Science and Technology(No. 2007BAI10B01-066). In this paper, we present a introduction for the development of Chen's flying needle based on traditional Chinese medicine. The objective is to arrange the operating standardization of Chen's flying needle and attempt to make it conducive to promote the use in hospitals all over the country.
机译:如今,针灸被认为是许多疾病的一种广泛使用的辅助疗法,在中医药的发展中也有着悠久的历史。但是,它仍然使我们感到针刺感染,疼痛感和操作不灵活。陈先生的飞针疗法解决了上述问题,因为他以“简单,方便,便宜和有效”的概念创造了一种全新的针灸插入技术。这项新技术的发明者是陈全新教授,他从事针灸已有56年,并在中国享有很高的声誉,是一位杰出的中医资深医生。自2007年以来,已经建立并开展了以陈全新教授的临床经验和学术思想为重点的研究,这项研究得到了国家科学技术部“十一五”研究计划(No. 2007BAI10B01-066)的支持。在本文中,我们将介绍基于中药的陈氏飞针的发展。目的是安排陈氏飞针的操作标准化,并试图使其在全国各地的医院中推广使用。



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