
Products of Modern Industrial Design in the Use of Semantics




Well-known French symbolist Pierre Bigelow said :"In many cases,it is not the purchase of specific i terns,but the trend in the search,a symbol of youth and success." From the original aim of meeting people's needs of production and living,to chasing unique,showing personality and one's taste,we have to say,these are the material a chievements of design and its impact on people's living statement and living way.Product semantics is a product of mod em industrial society,it is the accumulation and concludes of all successful products' image design,and it is a knowl edge applied on industrial design.It can help us to enhance products' spirit function,rich products' culture meaning, reflect products' sense of times and their value orientation.
机译:法国著名的象征主义者皮埃尔·比格洛(Pierre Bigelow)说:“在很多情况下,这不是购买特定产品,而是搜寻的趋势,是青春和成功的象征。”从满足人们生产和生活需求的初衷到追求独特,展现个性和品味,我们不得不说,这些是设计的实质内容,它对人们的生活方式和生活方式产生了影响。产品的语义是它是现代工业社会的产物,是所有成功产品形象设计的积累和总结,是应用于工业设计的知识边缘。它可以帮助我们增强产品的精神功能,丰富产品的文化内涵,反映产品的时代感及其价值取向。



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