首页> 外文会议>2008 MRS spring meeting symposium proceedings >The Humacao Strange Matter Exhibition: PREM brings Materials Science and Nanotechnology to Puerto Rican Communities

The Humacao Strange Matter Exhibition: PREM brings Materials Science and Nanotechnology to Puerto Rican Communities


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The "UPRH-PENN Partnership for Research and Education in Materials" (PREM) is sponsored by the Division of Materials Research of the National Science Foundation and since 2004 it has contributed to increasing the participation of Puerto Rican men and women in materials research and education. The program integrates K-12, undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty collaborating through research and education in a partnership between the University of Puerto Rico at Humacao (UPRH) along with UPRC and UPRRP and the University of Pennsylvania Materials Research Science & Engineering Center. The UPRH-PREM has strong links with schools in the eastern region of Puerto Rico and has successfully integrated K-12 students and teachers into the program through workshops, web resources, open houses, a Summer Program and research experiences during the academic year. In an effort to integrate the wider community into the outreach efforts, from October to December 2007 PREM hosted the presentation of the interactive Materials Science exhibition "Strange Matter". "Strange Matter" was designed and produced by the Materials Research Society (MRS) in conjunction with the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto. Funding for the project is being provided by the National Science Foundation and industrial partners 3M, Dow, Ford, Intel, and Alcan. The exhibition brings interactive activities that highlight the fact that materials science is all around us. This exhibition is the first and only one in the island of Puerto Rico and was presented at UPRH's Casa Roig Museum, a historic plantation house located in downtown Humacao. Local scientists complemented the exhibition with live demonstrations and talks to provide deeper explanations and motivate young visitors to study materials. To make the exhibition possible, PREM integrated UPR-Humacao administration, faculty, students, non-teaching workers, Casa Roig staff, schools, Humacao municipality, local businesses and individual citizens. Dozens of students, faculty and other members of the community were mobilized as volunteers to support all aspects of the exhibition.
机译:“ UPRH-PENN材料研究与教育伙伴关系”(PREM)由国家科学基金会材料研究部赞助,自2004年以来,它为增加波多黎各男女参与材料研究和教育做出了贡献。该计划将波多黎各大学(UPRH)与UPRC和UPRRP以及宾夕法尼亚大学材料研究科学与工程中心合作,通过研究和教育整合了K-12,本科生,研究生和教职员工。 UPRH-PREM与波多黎各东部地区的学校有着紧密的联系,并已通过研讨会,网络资源,开放日,夏季课程和在学年期间的研究经验,成功地将K-12学生和教师纳入了该课程。为了使更广泛的社区参与推广工作,PREM于2007年10月至12月主办了交互式材料科学展览会“奇怪的事情”的演讲。 “奇怪的问题”是由材料研究协会(MRS)与位于多伦多的安大略科学中心共同设计和生产的。该项目的资金由美国国家科学基金会以及3M,陶氏,福特,英特尔和加拿大铝业等行业合作伙伴提供。展览带来了互动活动,突显了材料科学无处不在的事实。该展览是波多黎各岛的第一个也是唯一的展览,并在UPRH的卡萨罗格博物馆(Casa Roig Museum)进行了展示,这是一家位于Humacao市中心的历史悠久的种植园。当地科学家通过现场表演和演讲对展览进行了补充,以提供更深层次的解释并激发年轻游客学习材料。为了使展览成为可能,PREM将UPR-Humacao行政管理部门,教职员工,学生,非教学工作者,Casa Roig员工,学校,Humacoo市政府,本地企业和个人公民融合在一起。动员了数十名学生,教职员工和社区其他成员作为志愿者来支持展览的各个方面。


  • 来源
  • 会议地点 San Francisco CA(US)
  • 作者单位

    Physics and Electronics, University of Puerto Rico at Humacao, CUH Station, Humacao, 00791, Puerto Rico;

    rnPhysics and Electronics, University of Puerto Rico at Humacao, CUH Station, Humacao, 00791, Puerto Rico;

    rnPhysics and Electronics, University of Puerto Rico at Humacao, CUH Station, Humacao, 00791, Puerto Rico;

    rnMathematics, University of Puerto Rico at Humacao, CUH Station, Humacao, 00791, Puerto Rico;

    rnBiology, University of Puerto Rico at Humacao, CUH Station, Humacao, 00791, Puerto Rico;

    rnPhysics and Electronics, University of Puerto Rico at Humacao, CUH Station, Humacao, 00791, Puerto Rico;

    rnMathematics, University of Puerto Rico at Humacao, CUH Station, Humacao, 00791, Puerto Rico;

    rnUniversity of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences, Río;

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  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类 工程材料学;
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