
Business aviation


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The 1999-2004 outlock for business aviation (here business aviation refers to turbine-powered, fixed-wing, general aviation aircraft) is strong if certain key conditions remain unchanged. First and foremost, it is important that the U.S.economy avoid a recession. For purposes of this discussion, the panel was comfortable retaining the assumption that the U.S. economy will soften slightly around 2001-2002, with real growth in gross domestic product falling within the range of 1.8 to 2.0 percent. Nonetheless, the forecast assumes that a recession will be avoided during the forecast assumes that a recession will be avoided during the forecast assumes that a recession will be avoided during the forecast assumes that a recession will be avoided during the forecast period. In regard to other regions of the world, the panel believes that Asia, Europe, and South America will be modest "pluses" for the business aviation industry. Asia will continue efforts to correct monetary imbalances and implement fiscal policies to further stimulate growth, Western Europe will continue to benefit stimulate growth, Western Europe will continue to benefit from economic integration and improved world competitiveness, and South America will constrain the distorting influences, and South America will constrain the distorting influences of inflation. All regions will benefit from more market-oriented policies that spur economic activity.



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