首页> 外文会议>第11届信息学与组织符号学国际会议(11th International Conference on Informations and Semiotics in Organisations) >Consumer Privacy Protection in Mobile Commerce by Third-Party Mechanism: an Analysis based on Game Theory

Consumer Privacy Protection in Mobile Commerce by Third-Party Mechanism: an Analysis based on Game Theory


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Now,the ease of data collection mobile devices and ready access to data for analysis has increased the potential to abuse individual rights to privacy. Therefore,customers who fear possible disclose or misuse of their personal information may simply choose not to participate in mobile commerce. In order to relieve this kind of anxiety,third-party mechanism is widely applied. For improving the efficiency of third-party supervision,government should impose more severe punishment on mobile merchant who violates consumers' privacy or on third party who neglects its duty. This paper aims to analyze which is a better policy in protecting consumers' privacy by a game model with mixed strategy equilibrium. We find that government imposing more severe punishment to third party for its loss of accountability would eliminate invasion of consumer's privacy by mobile merchant.



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