首页> 外文会议>11th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2003 Jul 21-25, 2003 Dresden, Germany >Hegel in a Strange Costume Reconsidering Normative Science for Conceptual Structures Research

Hegel in a Strange Costume Reconsidering Normative Science for Conceptual Structures Research


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Charles Peirce was influenced by German philosophy to conceive logic as one of a carefully related set of theoretical disciplines called the Normative Sciences, strategically located in his Classification of the Sciences between Phenomenology and Metaphysics. Barely enough evidence is available from his archived manuscripts to indicate how he might have developed that part of his philosophy in the three disciplines of esthetics, ethics, and logic-as-semiotic (I will use his preferred spelling, "semeotic"), which he says support his purpose for pragmatism in a theory of inquiry. I have investigated that evidence to find how his philosophy treats some neglected issues in modern philosophy (nominalism, intuition, automation) which limit the advancement of conceptual structures research, and suggest that his normative science will be required for effective knowledge creation and communication.
机译:查尔斯·皮尔斯(Charles Peirce)受德国哲学的影响,将逻辑理解为与一套紧密相关的理论学科之一,即规范科学,该学科战略性地位于其现象学与形而上学之间的科学分类中。从他的存档手稿中几乎没有足够的证据表明他可能是如何在美学,伦理学和符号逻辑象征学这三个学科中发展自己哲学的这一部分的(我将使用他偏爱的拼写“ semeotic”),他说,在探究理论中支持他的实用主义目标。我调查了这些证据,以发现他的哲学如何处理现代哲学(名义主义,直觉,自动化)中一些被忽略的问题,这些问题限制了概念结构研究的发展,并建议他的规范科学对于有效的知识创造和交流必不可少。



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