首页> 中文会议>2015年中国地球科学联合学术年会 >东准噶尔地壳结构与动力学分析



The Junggar basin is a large inland basin in western China with an area of 380 000km2,where oil andgas resources were discovered in the early 20th century.In the last 30 years,numerous investigations andstudies have been carried out in this basin.Because of the large area and desert coverage,survey in the field israther difficult.Thus the available data are limited and many issues,such as the basement structure andproperty of the basin,are still contentious.Therefore,a comprehensive geophysical survey has been carried out.Along the profile natural seismic converted wave has been used to determine P and S wave velocities of thecrust and upper-most mantle.A joint inversion of gravitational and magnetic data was also performed toacquire density and magnetic intensity of the crust beneath the eastern Junggar basin.Then,in combinationwith geological data,the basement structure and property of the basin were studied in detail.



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