首页> 中文会议>中国天文学会第十一届张衡学术研讨会 >《从LAMOST巡天数据中搜寻极端暗弱的行星状云和超新遗迹》



"Currently, the Hong Kong/AAO/Strasbourg/Ha(HASH)database contains 3540 true, likely, andpossible PNe(Parker et al.2016).This number is only about 15-30% of the estimated total ofGalactic PNe(Frew 2008; Jacoby et al.2010), showing that only a small fraction of Galactic PNehave been catalogued."-D.J.Frew in 2017 IAU.We have detected 611 [0lll]λλ4959,4007 emission lines from 1.4M LAMOST spectra and found.3 known PNe.2 known SN R.2 galactic SNR candidates.15 galactic PN candidates.11 H I I region(candidates).Future work.Extend work to the whole LAMOST spectra.Hunting for SNRs by detecting [Sll]6712, 6731 lines.Detailed studies and follow-up observations of interesting objects.



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