In this paper,we propose new protocol called Efficient Dynamic Hybrid Routing protocol (EDHRP) for MANETs.By adopting ZRP,we can transfer message into very large zone with only a little increase of maintenance cost,but its network organization is constructed same as clustering.However,its zone center node has not responsibility to transfer messages through network as much like head node of clustering protocols.In this proposed protocol the nodes can be classified into 3 types:center node,border node,and normal node. By using three types zone,the proposed protocol can reach the radius of zone to 3-5 hops while maintenance cost is same as ZRP with the radius is only 2 hops.Our zone maintenance approach has shown that our protocol is much more efficient than ZRP and clustering protocols.In worst case of EDHRP,route finding process is same as ZRP with R=2 hops,but maintenance cost can be lower than as in ZRP. Also,each node has its own depends on their signal power,SO our protocol network zone is dynamic.