首页> 美国政府科技报告 >NAEP 1996 Trends in Writing: Fluency and Writing Conventions. Holistic and211 Mechanics Scores in 1984 and 1996

NAEP 1996 Trends in Writing: Fluency and Writing Conventions. Holistic and211 Mechanics Scores in 1984 and 1996

机译:NaEp 1996年写作趋势:流利和写作公约。 1984年和1996年的整体和211力学分数



Over the past three decades, many teacher educators and classroom teachers have211u001ebeen emphasizing the writing process. The writing process approach focuses on the 211u001eiterative nature of writing, in which writers plan, write, and revise their ideas 211u001ein several drafts before a final version is produced. It is during the revision 211u001eor editing stages of this process that writers focus on correcting grammatical 211u001eand mechanical errors. Grammatical and mechanical correctness is not viewed as an 211u001eend in and of itself, but eliminating these errors is an important part of 211u001eimproving the final draft. This report focuses on what changes, if any, have 211u001eoccurred in student writing between 1984 and 1996, the period examined by the 211u001eNAEP long-term trend writing assessment.



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