首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Microbiology >Role of Toxoplasma gondii IgG Avidity Testing in Discriminating between Acute and Chronic Toxoplasmosis in Pregnancy

Role of Toxoplasma gondii IgG Avidity Testing in Discriminating between Acute and Chronic Toxoplasmosis in Pregnancy


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Risk of mother-to-child transmission of Toxoplasma gondii during pregnancy is much greater in women who are exposed to primary T. gondii infection (toxoplasmosis) after conception compared to those who were exposed to the infection before conception. Therefore, laboratory tests that help classify recent primary toxoplasmosis are important tools for the management of pregnant women suspected to have T. gondii exposure. Detection of Toxoplasma 1gM (Toxo 1gM) is a sensitive indicator of primary toxoplasmosis, but the indicator specificity is low because sometimes natural 1gM antibodies react with Toxoplasma antigens in the absence of the infection. Furthermore, Toxo 1gM sometimes persists in blood serum for several months or years following the primary infection. In recent decades, Toxo IgG avidity assay has been used as a standard diagnostic technique for a better estimation of the infection acquisition time and identification of the primary T. gondii infection during pregnancy. Avidity is described as the aggregate strength; by which, a mixture of polyclonal IgG molecules reacts with multiple epitopes of the proteins. This parameter matures gradually within 6 months of the primary infection. A high Toxo IgG avidity index allows a recent infection (less than 4 months) to be excluded, whereas a low Toxo IgG avidity index indicates a probable recent infection with no exclusions of the older infections. This mini-review is based on various aspects of T. gondii IgG avidity testing, including (i) description of avidity and basic methods used in primary studies on T. gondii IgG avidity and primary infections; (ii) importance of IgG avidity testing in pregnancy; (iii) result summary of the major studies on the use of T. gondii IgG avidity assay in pregnancy; (iv) brief explanation of the T. gondii IgG avidity values in newborns; (v) result summary of the major studies on T. gondii IgG avidity and PCR; (vi) discussion of commercially available T. gondii IgG avidity assays, including newer automated assays; and (vii) current issues and controversies in diagnosis of primary T. gondii infections in pregnancy.



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