首页> 外文期刊>Angewandte Chemie >A Cascade of Redox Reactions Generates Complexity in the Biosynthesis of the Protein Phosphatase-2 Inhibitor Rubratoxin A

A Cascade of Redox Reactions Generates Complexity in the Biosynthesis of the Protein Phosphatase-2 Inhibitor Rubratoxin A


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Redox modifications are key complexity-generating steps in the biosynthesis of natural products. The unique structure of rubratoxinA (1), many of which arise through redox modifications, make it a nanomolar inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). We identified the biosynthetic pathway of 1 and completely mapped the enzymatic sequence of redox reactions starting from the nonadride 5. Six redox enzymes are involved, including four alpha-ketoglutarate-and iron(II)-dependent dioxygenases that hydroxylate four sp(3) carbons; one flavin-dependent dehydrogenase that is involved in formation of the unsaturated lactone; and the ferric-reductase-like enzyme RbtH, which regioselectively reduces one of the maleic anhydride moieties in rubratoxin B to the gamma-hydroxybutenolide that is critical for PP2A inhibition. RbtH is proposed to perform sequential single-electron reductions of the maleic anhydride using electrons derived from NADH and transferred through a ferredoxin and ferredoxin reductase pair.



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