首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Biochemistry >New Strategies for the Determination of Macromolecular Structure in Solution123

New Strategies for the Determination of Macromolecular Structure in Solution123

机译:New Strategies for the Determination of Macromolecular Structure in Solution123



Non-crystallographic approaches to the determination of protein structure must solve the problem of insufficient and low information content experimental data. Most successful methods augment experimentation with theoretical constraints (for example, potential energy functions or optimization error metrics). We believe it is important to separate the contributions of experimentation and theory in the construction of protein structure. The PROTEAN system defines protein topology on the basis of experimental data alone. Its performance on three data sets, derived from the lac-repressor headpiece ofE. coli, sperm whale myoglobin, and domain I of bacteriophage T4 lysozyme, indicates that there may be families of related conformations that are consistent with the experimental data. These conformations provide insight into the strengths and weaknesses in the data sets. They also provide a set of structures with which to begin theoretical refinements. We outline here a strategy which maintains a clear distinction between refinements based on theory and those based on experiment, and thus allows a careful analysis of the properties of such refinement methods.




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