首页> 外文期刊>review of scientific instruments >Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor horizontal highhyphen;resolution Bragg xhyphen;ray spectrometer

Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor horizontal highhyphen;resolution Bragg xhyphen;ray spectrometer

机译:Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor horizontal highhyphen;resolution Bragg xhyphen;ray spectrometer



A bent quartzhyphen;crystal spectrometer of the Johann type with a spectral resolution of lgr;/Dgr;lgr;= 10000ndash;25000 is used on the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) to determine central plasma parameters from the spectra of heliumhyphen;like and lithiumhyphen;like metal impurity ions (Ti, Cr, Fe, and Ni). The spectra are observed along a central radial chord and are recorded by a positionhyphen;sensitive multiwire proportional counter with a spatial resolution of 250 mgr;. Standard delayhyphen;line timehyphen;difference readout is employed. The data are histogrammed and stored in 64 K of memory providing 128 time groups of 512hyphen;channel spectra. The central ion temperature and the toroidal plasma rotation are inferred from the Doppler broadening and Doppler shift of the Kagr; lines. The central electron temperature, the distribution of ionization states, and dielectronic recombination rates are obtained from satellitehyphen;tohyphen;resonance line ratios. The performance of the spectrometer is demonstrated by measurements of the Tithinsp;xxiKagr; radiation.




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