首页> 外文期刊>review of scientific instruments >Novel system for picosecond photoemission spectroscopy

Novel system for picosecond photoemission spectroscopy

机译:Novel system for picosecond photoemission spectroscopy



This article describes a laserhyphen;based source and detection scheme for performing timehyphen;resolved photoemission studies of materials. The pulsed laser source produces intense picosecond pulses of coherent radiation that are nearly continuously tunable from the near infrared to photon energies up to 13 eV. To achieve high sensitivity, a novel multianode timehyphen;ofhyphen;flight spectrometer has been built that generates an angularly resolved intensity versus kinetic energy spectrum with better than 100hyphen;meV resolution. The source and detector provide an opportunity to study the electronic dynamics of excited systems on a picosecond time scale.




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