首页> 外文期刊>Journal of hydrometeorology >Quantifying the Rainfall Cooling Effect: The Importance of Relative Humidity in Guangdong, South China

Quantifying the Rainfall Cooling Effect: The Importance of Relative Humidity in Guangdong, South China

机译:Quantifying the Rainfall Cooling Effect: The Importance of Relative Humidity in Guangdong, South China

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In this study, we used hourly observations to investigate the cooling effect of summer rainfall on surface air temperature (Ta) in a subtropical area, Guangdong province, South China. Data were categorized step-by-step by rainfall system (convection, monsoon, and typhoon), daily rainfall amount, and relative humidity (RH) level. Moreover, the average hourly Ta variation due to solar radiation was removed from all observations before statistical analysis. The results showed that the linear relationship between hourly Ta variation and rainfall intensity did not exist. However, the cooling effect of rainfall on Ta variation was dominant. In addition, convective rainfall does cause a greater temperature drop than the other two rainfall systems. After further partitioning all samples by RH level preceding the rainfall, the relationship between hourly Ta variation and rainfall intensity became distinctive. When RH was below 70, rainfall-induced cooling became more substantial and scaled linearly with event intensity, but when RH exceeded 70, the rainfall cooling effect was generally restrained by the RH increase. A strong correlation between hourly Ta variation and RH level preceding the rainfall suggests the importance of RH on the rainfall cooling effect.




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