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Factors influencing municipal solid waste generation in China: A multiple statistical analysis study


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A relationship between the waste production and socio-economic factors is essential in waste management. In the present study, the factors influencing municipal solid waste generation in China were investigated by multiple statistical analysis. Twelve items were chosen for investigation: GDP, per capita GDP, urban population, the proportion of urban population, the area of urban construction, the area of paved roads, the area of urban gardens and green areas, the number of the large cities, annual per capita disposable income of urban households, annual per capita consumption expenditure of urban households, total energy consumption and annual per capital consumption for households. Two methodologies from multiple statistical analysis were selected; specifically principal components analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA). Three new dimensions were identified by PCA: component 1: economy and urban development; component 2: energy consumption; and component 3: urban scale. The three components together accounted for 99.1% of the initial variance. The results show that economy and urban development are important items influencing MSW generation. The proportion of urban population and urban population had the highest loadings in all factors. The relationship between growth of gross domestic product (GDP) and production of MSW was not as clear-cut as often assumed in China, a situation that is more likely to apply to developed countries. Energy consumption was another factor considered in our study of MSW generation. In addition, the annual MSW quantity variation was investigated by cluster analysis.
机译:废物生产与社会经济因素之间的关系对于废物管理至关重要。本研究采用多元统计分析方法,对影响我国城市生活垃圾产生的因素进行了研究。选择了十二项进行调查:GDP,人均GDP,城市人口,城市人口比例,城市建设面积,铺装道路面积,城市花园和绿地面积,大城市数量,城镇居民家庭年人均可支配收入,城镇居民家庭年人均消费支出,家庭能源消费总量和人均年消费量。从多重统计分析中选择了两种方法;特别是主成分分析(PCA)和聚类分析(CA)。 PCA确定了三个新的方面:组成部分1:经济与城市发展;第二部分:能源消耗;第三部分:城市规模。这三个组成部分合起来占初始方差的99.1%。结果表明,经济和城市发展是影响城市生活垃圾产生的重要因素。在所有因素中,城市人口和城市人口的比例最高。国内生产总值(GDP)的增长与城市固体废弃物生产之间的关系并不像中国通常所假定的那样明确,这种情况更可能适用于发达国家。能源消耗是我们研究城市固体废弃物的另一个考虑因素。此外,通过聚类分析研究了年度城市固体废弃物数量变化。



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