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Advantages of operation flexibility and load sizing for PV-powered system design


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With their autonomous operation and low environmental impact, solar photovoltaics (PV) are an attractive power source for off-grid systems. However, the variable nature of solar energy is not well-suited to power conventional loads. Without careful consideration of the time-dependent power generation of PV, this discrepancy results in systems that are either over-designed and expensive, or compromise reliability. To accelerate the adoption of PV into new areas, it is essential to design PV-powered systems that are persistent, predictable, and affordable. In this paper, we analyze the cost reductions enabled by design optimization through time flexible operation and improved load sizing. We consider two cases: (i) an idealized reference system, operating 8 h per day at 1 kW, generating an unspecified accumulable output, and (ii) a village-scale PV-powered electrodialysis desalination system, designed to generate 10 m(3) of drinking water per day. We found that time flexible load operation reduced the power system cost of the idealized reference system by 39%, from $2662 to $1628, and designing its electrical load to operate for an optimal period of time enabled an additional cost reduction of 5% (to $1503). For the village-based desalination system, we found that flexible operation paired with expected large decreases in membrane cost (from $150 to $20 per unit) reduced the associated power system cost by 57.6% from $8935 to $3788.
机译:凭借其自主运行和低环境影响,太阳能光伏(PV)是离网系统的有吸引力的电源。但是,太阳能的可变性并不十分适合为常规负载供电。如果不仔细考虑光伏发电的时间依赖性,这种差异会导致系统设计过度,价格昂贵或损害可靠性。为了加快将PV应用于新领域,必须设计持久,可预测且价格合理的PV供电系统。在本文中,我们分析了通过时间灵活的操作和改进的负载大小设计优化所实现的成本降低。我们考虑两种情况:(i)理想的参考系统,每天以1 kW的功率运行8小时,产生未指定的累积输出,以及(ii)乡村规模的光伏供电的电渗析淡化系统,设计用于产生10 m(3 )每天的饮用水。我们发现,灵活的负载运行时间可将理想参考系统的电力系统成本从$ 2662降低到$ 1628,降低了39%,并且设计其电气负载以在最佳时间段内运行,可使成本进一步降低5%(至$ 1503) )。对于以村庄为基础的海水淡化系统,我们发现灵活的操作加上预期的膜成本大幅降低(从每片150美元降至20美元),使相关的电力系统成本从8395美元降低至3788美元,降低了57.6%。



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