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'Container and General Cargo Shipping Features 2009'

机译:“ 2009年集装箱和一般货运特点”

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The Philippines can become one of the world's top markets for refrigerated container services, given the potential of its agricultural sector and exporters' recent willingness to shift away from break bulk shipping, officials from Danish carrier A.P. Moller-Maersk Group said in an interview late last week. This segment has so far been a bright spot for the Maersk Line's business in the country, as well as for the shipping industry in general which had been hit by the decline in global trade volumes last year, the officials said. "The Philippines could develop into the top three [markets] for reefer [refrigerated shipping] services," Thomas Eskesen, senior director of Maersk Line's reefer division said, referring to the country's expected share in the global volume of refrigerated cargo. "This could happen in the next one to five years," Mr. Eskesen said. Refrigerated containers allow exporters to ship out perishable goods to far destinations, he explained.
机译:丹麦承运人AP Moller-Maersk Group的官员在最近的一次采访中说,鉴于菲律宾的农业领域的潜力以及出口商近期愿意摆脱零散散货运输的能力,菲律宾可以成为全球冷藏集装箱服务的最大市场之一。周。官员们说,迄今为止,这一领域一直是马士基航运公司在该国业务以及整个航运业的亮点,而去年航运业受到了全球贸易量下降的打击。马士基航运公司冷藏部门的高级主管托马斯·埃克斯森说:“菲律宾可能成为冷藏(冷藏)运输服务的前三个[市场],”他指的是该国在全球冷藏货物量中的预期份额。埃斯克森说:“这可能在未来一到五年内发生。”他解释说,冷藏集装箱使出口商可以将易腐烂的货物运到目的地。



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