首页> 外文期刊>Records management journal >Records Management and Knowledge Mobilisation: A Handbook for Regulation, Innovation and Transformation

Records Management and Knowledge Mobilisation: A Handbook for Regulation, Innovation and Transformation


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The information world is changing. This is particularly true in the public sector, and it is refreshing to read a book that deals - up front - with the changing role of government, in a way that is recognisable and relevant. Less money, an increasing role for the market and the Community, accountability and transparency, greater demand, and greater user expectations are all concepts that are familiar to modern public managers. So what role does records management play in a modern public sector organisation? This is the question that many are grappling with, and that Stephen Harries deals with in this book. He looks at the history, and frustrations that have faced many records managers to justify the existence of records management. He portrays traditional records management as a discipline that promotes rules, regulation, and encoding of information and knowledge into a systematic framework. Its draws from an institutional context, and can occasionally be seen as a burden by users.
机译:信息世界正在发生变化。这在公共部门尤其如此,阅读一本与政府角色变化有关的书,令人耳目一新,令人耳目一新,这本书令人耳目一新。更少的钱,对市场和社区越来越重要的职责,问责制和透明度,更大的需求以及更高的用户期望,这些都是现代公共管理者所熟悉的概念。那么记录管理在现代公共部门组织中扮演什么角色?这是许多人都在努力解决的问题,而斯蒂芬·哈里斯(Stephen Harries)在本书中也谈到了这个问题。他着眼于历史,以及许多记录管理员所面临的挫败感证明了记录管理的存在。他将传统的记录管理描绘为一门可以促进规则,法规以及将信息和知识编码成系统框架的学科。它来自机构环境,有时可能被用户视为负担。



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