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Tephrostratigraphy of paleoclimatic archives in central Mediterranean during the Bronze Age


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Re-examination of central Mediterranean paleoclimate archives on tephra layers indicates that three widely dispersed tephra layers occurred during the Bronze Age, namely Agnano Mt Spina from Campi Flegrei (ca. 4.4 cal ka BP), Avellino from Somma-Vesuvius (ca. 3.9 cal ka BP), and FL from Etna (ca. 3.3 cal ka BP). Stratigraphical correlations of selected archives using these tephra layers indicate that some records have severe chronological biases, posing important limitations to the use of these archives for defining the paleoclimate conditions during the Bronze Age. Regardless of the temporal mismatches, the Agnano Mt Spina tephra layer seems to have occurred at the beginning of a centennial scale period of climatic deterioration, while the Avellino tephra layer, taking place during a wetter period, seems to mark the end of this event. The dry event bounded by the two tephra layers seems to be correlated with the so-called "4.2 event". Instead, the FL tephra from Etna seems to herald a new climatic deterioration at ca. 3.3-3.2 cal ka BP. Although the general frame is still incomplete, these three tephra layers appear to play a fundamental role in synchronizing archives, and can lead to the definition of a detailed paleoclimatic framework of the Bronze Age in the central Mediterranean area.
机译:对地中海中部古气候资料的特非拉层重新检查表明,在青铜时代出现了三个广泛分布的特非拉层,分别是来自Campi Flegrei的Agnano Mt Spina(约4.4卡卡BP),来自Somma-Vesuvius的Avellino(约3.9卡)。 ka BP)和Etna的FL(约3.3 cal ka BP)。使用这些特菲拉层的选定档案的地层相关性表明,某些记录具有严重的年代学偏差,对使用这些档案定义青铜时代的古气候条件构成了重要限制。无论时间上的不匹配,Agnano Mt Spina tephra层似乎都发生在气候恶化的百年尺度时期的开始,而发生在较湿润时期的Avellino tephra层似乎标志着这一事件的结束。由两个特非拉层界定的干燥事件似乎与所谓的“ 4.2事件”相关。取而代之的是,来自埃特纳火山(Etna)的FL特非拉(Tephra)似乎预示着大约30年前的新气候恶化。 3.3-3.2cal ka BP。尽管总体框架仍然不完整,但这三个特菲拉层似乎在同步档案方面起着根本性的作用,并可能导致对地中海中部青铜时代详细的古气候框架的定义。



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