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Mosaic Virus Symptoms in Potato Crops and the Occurrence of Growth Cracking in Tubers


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Infection of potato plants by viruses causing mosaic symptoms may result in a reduction in crop yield, depending on severity of symptoms and incidence. In 2004 and 2007, an investigation was undertaken to examine the relationship between plants with mosaic symptoms and the occurrence of growth cracking in daughter tubers. Samples of pairs of plants affected by mosaic symptoms and plants with no symptoms were collected from nine potato crops, of which seven were cv. Estima, containing at least 20% mosaic-affected plants. Growth cracking was more prevalent on mosaic-affected plants of cv. Estima than on plants with no symptoms. The incidence of growth cracking was much greater on plants showing mosaic symptoms caused by a mixed infection of Potato virus A and Potato virus V together than on symptomatic plants infected by either virus alone. The presence of virus in plants with no symptoms did not affect the incidence of tubers affected by cracking. In a crop of the advanced selection Blue Tzar, plants with mosaic symptoms caused by Potato virus Y N produced more tubers with cracking than plants with no symptoms. Growth cracking did not occur in the one sampled crop of cv. Désirée infected by Potato virus A.
机译:取决于花叶病的严重程度和发生率,引起花叶病的病毒感染马铃薯植株可能导致农作物减产。 2004年和2007年,进行了一项调查,以检查具有花叶症状的植物与子块茎生长破裂的发生之间的关系。从九种马铃薯作物中采集了受花叶症状影响的成对植物和无症状植物的样品,其中七种为简历。 Estima,至少包含20%受镶嵌影响的植物。生长破裂在受马赛克影响的简历植物上更为普遍。比在没有症状的植物上的估计。与马铃薯病毒A和马铃薯病毒V混合感染引起的具有花叶症状的植物相比,仅受任何一种病毒感染的有症状植物,生长破裂的发生率要高得多。没有症状的植物中病毒的存在不会影响受裂痕影响的块茎的发生。在高级选择的Blue Tzar作物中,由马铃薯病毒Y N 引起的具有花叶症状的植物比没有症状的植物产生更多具有裂痕的块茎。在一份采样的简历中没有出现生长裂纹。 Désirée被马铃薯A病毒感染。



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