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IAI unveils Panther tiltrotor UAV


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1. Panther takes off and lands automatically. 2. The tiltrotor UAV can reach an altitude of 10,000 ft and loiter for nearly six hours.Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) unveiled its newest unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) at the annual Latrun 2010 land forces conference in Israel in October. The new vehicle, known as Panther, features tiltrotor and a fuell-cell powerplant. It was developed by lAI's Malat Division and uses an automatic flight control system that controls the transition between the hovering vertical take-off phase and forward flight, and vice versa, before landing. The aircraft takes off and lands automatically after a simple click of the operator console, eliminating the need for piloting.
机译:1.豹自动起飞并着陆。 2.倾转旋翼无人机可以在近六个小时的时间内到达10,000英尺的高度,其中的零头。以色列航空航天工业公司(IAI)在10月于以色列举行的年度Latrun陆军会议上推出了其最新的无人机。这款名为Panther的新车配备了倾转旋翼和燃料电池动力装置。它由lAI的Malat分部开发,并使用自动飞行控制系统来控制着陆之前在悬停的垂直起飞阶段和向前飞行之间的转换,反之亦然。只需单击操作员控制台,飞机便会自动起飞和降落,从而无需进行飞行员操作。



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