首页> 外文期刊>Journal of surveying engineering >Monitoring Deformation of Thai Geodetic Network due to the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman and 2005 Nias Earthquakes by GPS

Monitoring Deformation of Thai Geodetic Network due to the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman and 2005 Nias Earthquakes by GPS


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The Thai geodetic network has been regularly observed with GPS since 1994. The continuous tectonic motions in Thailand located on the Sundaland block are well determined with uncertainties ~ 1 mm/yr. The mega thrust earthquake occurred near Banda-Aceh on Dec. 26, 2004 with Mw 9.3 magnitude and caused significant surface displacements in many surrounding countries. The geodetic network within Thailand was also significantly deformed during the earthquake at the cm to dm level and the geodetic network will continue to deform for many months and possibly even years to come. The magnitude of displacements certainly has a direct impact on the Thai geodetic control network. The Royal Thai Survey Department (RTSD) has been carrying out GPS field campaigns in an attempt to monitor the postseismic displacement. However, the situation became more complicated when the second major earthquake occurred near Nias Island, Sumatra on Mar. 28, 2005 with Mw 8.7 magnitude. This paper will analyze the GPS observations obtained from the RTSD GPS campaigns and existing permanent GPS stations in Thailand up to the end of 2006 using the precise point positioning strategy of the GIPSY-OASIS II software. Results obtained from the latest campaign (Nov. 2006) indicated that the earthquakes have resulted in the horizontal displacements, ranging from 55 cm in the south to about 6 cm in the north of Thailand. The behavior of postseismic motions is investigated in this study and it was found that the postseismic motions can be fitted well by a logarithmic decay function. Finally, a strategy for updating the Thai geodetic network is proposed.
机译:自1994年以来,就定期使用GPS观测泰国大地测量网络。泰国在the他兰地块上的连续构造运动可以很好地确定,不确定度约为1 mm / yr。 2004年12月26日,大推力地震发生在班达亚齐附近,震级为9.3兆瓦,在许多周边国家造成了严重的地表位移。在地震中,从厘米到dm的水平,泰国境内的大地测量网络也发生了严重变形,大地测量网络将持续变形长达数月甚至数年。位移的大小当然会对泰国大地测量控制网络产生直接影响。泰国皇家调查局(RTSD)一直在进行GPS野外运动,以监测地震后的位移。然而,当第二场大地震发生在2005年3月28日苏门答腊尼亚斯岛附近时,情况变得更加复杂,Mw 8.7级。本文将使用GIPSY-OASIS II软件的精确点定位策略分析从RTSD GPS活动和泰国现有的永久GPS站到2006年底获得的GPS观测值。最近一次竞选(2006年11月)获得的结果表明,地震导致水平位移,其范围从泰国南部的55厘米到泰国北部的大约6厘米。在这项研究中对震后运动的行为进行了研究,发现震后运动可以通过对数衰减函数很好地拟合。最后,提出了一种更新泰国大地测量网络的策略。



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