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Measurements Along the Growth Direction of PMN-PT Crystals: Dielectric, Piezoelectric, and Elastic Properties


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Property measurements are reported for Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) single crystals grown along (001) by a seeded-melt method. Chemical segregation occurs during crystal growth, leading to property changes along the growth direction. Variations in dielectric, piezoelectric, and elastic properties were evaluated for specimens selected from the crystals. Room-temperature data are correlated with TC and composition that ranged from 27 to 32% PT, i.e., in the vicinity of the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB). While there was little change in the high electromechanical coupling factor k33 (0.87-0.92), both the piezoelectric charge coefficient d33 (1100-1800 pC/N) and the free dielectric constant K33 T (4400-7000) were found to vary significantly with position. Increases in d33 and K33 T were relatively offsetting in that the ratio yielded a relatively stable piezoelectric voltage coefficient g33 (27-31 times 10-3 Vm/N). Values are also reported for the elastic compliance (3.3-6.3 times 10-11 m2/N) determined from resonance measurements. Enhancements in d33 and K33 T were associated with lattice softening (increasing s33 E) as the composition approached the MPB. Details are reported for the piezoelectric, dielectric, and elastic properties as a function of growth direction, TC, and composition. The results are useful for an understanding of properties in PMN-PT crystals and for the design of piezoelectric devices.
机译:报告了通过种子熔融法沿(001)生长的Pb(Mg1 / 3Nb2 / 3)O3-PbTiO3(PMN-PT)单晶的性能测量。在晶体生长过程中会发生化学偏析,导致特性沿生长方向发生变化。对选自晶体的样品评估了介电,压电和弹性性能的变化。室温数据与TC和PT在27%到32%PT之间的成分相关,即在同相相界(MPB)附近。高机电耦合系数k33(0.87-0.92)几乎没有变化,但压电电荷系数d33(1100-1800 pC / N)和自由介电常数K33 T(4400-7000)随位置。 d33和K33 T的增加相对抵消,因为该比率产生了相对稳定的压电电压系数g33(27-31乘以10-3 Vm / N)。还报告了通过共振测量确定的弹性柔度值(3.3-6.3乘以10-11 m2 / N)。随着组成接近MPB,d33和K33 T的增强与晶格软化(增加s33 E)有关。压电,介电和弹性性能随生长方向,TC和成分的变化而有所变化。这些结果对于理解PMN-PT晶体的性能以及压电器件的设计很有用。



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