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Evidence of poly-condensed aromatic rings in a Victorian brown coal


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An attempt was made for obtaining UV/VIS absorption and fluorescence spectra of a whole Victorian brown coal and then examining the presence of aromatic ring systems (ARSs) with poly-condensed rings in the coal. Loy Yang brown coal was subjected to an alkali-promoted depolymerization in an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide at 473 K and then dissolved nearly completely into the solution. The solution of the solubilized coal was analyzed by UV/VIS absorption and fluorescence spectroscopies. The spectra of the solubilized coal were compared with those of a tar that was produced from the rapid pyroly sis of the coal in a wire-mesh reactor. Absorbance of the solubilized coal per unit molar concentration of aromatic carbon and unit light path length was averaged over 50 nm wavelength intervals in a range from 250 to 600 nm. The averaged absorbance of the solubilized coal was much greater than those of mono-aromatic compounds and lignin at intervals from 400 to 600 nm while comparable to those of tetra- to hexa-aromatic compounds, suggesting that the coal is abundant of ARSs with poly-condensed rings. The fluorescence spectra of the solubilized coal also give indication of the presence of ARSs with three to six condensed rings. Furthermore, the presence of even larger ARSs is evidenced from appreciable difference in apparent quantum yield of the solubilized coal and that of the tar. By comparing the absorption and fluorescence spectra of the solubilized coal with those of the tar, it was revealed that the tar is richer in relatively small poly-ARSs than the solubilized coal while the larger poly-ARSs are abundant in the solubilized coal. Smaller poly-ARSs were thus released from the coal preferentially to larger poly-ARSs during the pyrolysis.
机译:尝试获得整个维多利亚棕色煤的UV / VIS吸收和荧光光谱,然后检查煤中是否存在带有缩聚环的芳族环系统(ARS)。 Loy Yang褐煤在473 K的氢氧化钠水溶液中进行碱促进的解聚反应,然后几乎完全溶解在该溶液中。通过UV / VIS吸收和荧光光谱分析溶解的煤的溶液。将溶解的煤的光谱与焦油的光谱进行比较,该焦油是由煤在线网反应器中快速热解产生的。在250至600nm范围内的50nm波长间隔上,平均每单位摩尔浓度的芳族碳的溶解煤的吸收和单位光程长度的平均值。在400至600 nm的间隔内,溶解煤的平均吸光度远高于单芳族化合物和木质素的吸光度,与四芳族到六芳族化合物的吸光度相当。稠环。溶解煤的荧光光谱也表明存在具有3至6个稠环的ARS。此外,从溶解的煤和焦油的表观量子产率的明显差异可以证明甚至存在更大的ARS。通过将溶解的煤与焦油的吸收光谱和荧光光谱进行比较,可以发现,相对较小的聚ARS中的焦油含量比溶解煤中的焦油含量高,而溶解煤中的聚ARS较大。因此,在热解过程中,较小的聚ARS优先于较大的聚ARS从煤中释放出来。



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