
Letter from the editor




So read the closing lines below Clayton Paul's signature in his e-mail. I would read them quickly when I'd receive his e-mails and they always had a calming influence on me. As I was writing this letter from the editor, I looked at one of his e-mails I'd saved and came upon these lines again. Now that Clayton has gone to sleep on this side of eternity, I read them again and came to a different interpretation. Previously, when Clayton was living I never thought to ask him what these lines meant to him or why he chose them for his e-mail signature. I merely assumed he liked the poet Robert Frost and during the business day, there wasn't much time for idle chit chat.
机译:因此,请在电子邮件中阅读Clayton Paul签名下的结尾行。当我收到他的电子邮件时,我会尽快阅读它们,并且它们总是对我产生平静的影响。当我写来自编辑的这封信时,我看了我保存的一封电子邮件,然后再次出现在这些行中。现在,克莱顿已经在永恒的这一面入睡了,我再次阅读了它们,并得出了不同的解释。以前,克莱顿(Clayton)居住时,我从来没有想过问这些行对他意味着什么,或者为什么他选择它们作为他的电子邮件签名。我只是以为他喜欢诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特(Robert Frost),在工作期间,没有太多时间闲聊。



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