首页> 外文期刊>Risk Management and Healthcare Policy >Willingness to Enroll for Community-Based Health Insurance and Associated Factors in Simada District, North-West, Ethiopia, 2020:A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study

Willingness to Enroll for Community-Based Health Insurance and Associated Factors in Simada District, North-West, Ethiopia, 2020:A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study




Background:Community-based health insurance is a not-for-profit type of health insurance that has been used by poor people to protect themselves against the high costs of seeking medical care and treatment for illness. This study aimed to assess communities' willingness to enroll for community-based health insurance (CBHI) and its associated factors in Simada district, Northwest, Ethiopia.Methods:A community-based mixed cross-sectional study design was conducted. Multistage simple random and purposive sampling techniques were used for quantitative and qualitative studies, respectively. Data were coded and entered into Epi info version and exported to SPSS 20.0 for data analysis. Inferential statistics were done to determine an association between the outcome and independent variables. Statistically significant variables in binary logistic regression analysis with p-value 0.2 were entered for multivariable binary logistic regression analysis and P-value ≤0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Hosmer and Lemeshow's goodness of fitness test was fitted and qualitative data were analyzed by using thematic analysis.Results:Among 510 study participants, 454 (89%) [CI: (86.5%-91.6%)] were willing to enroll for community-based health insurance. Members of social capital [AOR: 7.6 (3.78-15.5)], distance from health facilities [AOR: 10.8 (4.9-23.5)], the experience of chronic illness in the family [AOR: 4.6 (1.88-11.4)], medium family wealth status [AOR: 3.1 (1.3-7.5)], and the number of family members [AOR: 2.25 (1.11-4.6)] were significantly associated with willingness to enroll for community-based health insurance.Conclusion:Willingness to enroll in community-based health insurance in the study area is high. Members of social capital, the experience of chronic illness in the family, distance from a health facility, the number of family members, and medium family wealth status were factors found to be associated with willingness to enroll for the scheme. Therefore, emphasizing redesigning and planning strategies for better expanding the scheme accordingly.? 2020 Yitayew et al.
机译:背景:以社区为基础的健康保险是一种非营利性的健康保险类型,穷人使用穷人保护自己免受寻求医疗保健和疾病治疗的高成本。本研究旨在评估社区愿意参加基于社区的健康保险(CBHI)及其在埃塞俄比亚的西班牙地区的相关因素。方法:进行社区的混合横断面研究设计。多级简单随机和有目的采样技术分别用于定量和定性研究。数据被编码并输入到EPI Info V7.2.0.1中,并导出到SPSS 20.0进行数据分析。完成推理统计,以确定结果和独立变量之间的关联。对于多变量二进制逻辑回归分析,将具有P值<0.2的二进制逻辑回归分析中的统计学显着变量进行了多变量二进制逻辑回归分析,并且P值≤0.05被认为是统计学意义。 Hosmer和Lemeshow的健身测试的善良,并通过使用专题分析来分析定性数据。结果:510个研究参与者,454(89%)[CI:(86.5%-91.6%)]愿意注册基于社区的社区健康保险。社会资本成员[AOR:7.6(3.78-15.5)],距离卫生设施的距离[AOR:10.8(4.9-23.5)],家庭慢性疾病的经验[AOR:4.6(1.88-11.4)],中等家庭财富状况[AOR:3.1(1.3-7.5)]和家庭成员的数量[AOR:2.25(1.11-4.6)]与入学们注册基于社区的健康保险的意愿显着相关。结论:愿意注册研究区域的社区健康保险很高。社会资本成员,家庭中慢性疾病的经验,距离卫生设施,家庭成员人数和中等家庭财富状况的距离是因素与报名参加该计划的意愿。因此,强调重新设计和规划战略,以便更好地扩展方案相应地扩展。 2020 Yitayew等人。




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