首页> 外文期刊>Geosciences >Late Miocene-Early Pliocene Out-of-Sequence Thrusting in the Southern Apennines (Italy)

Late Miocene-Early Pliocene Out-of-Sequence Thrusting in the Southern Apennines (Italy)




We present a structural study on late Miocene-early Pliocene out-of-sequence thrusts affecting the southern Apennine orogenic belt. The analyzed structures are exposed in the Campania region (southern Italy). Here, thrusts bound the N-NE side of the carbonate ridges that form the regional mountain backbone. In several outcrops, the Mesozoic carbonates are superposed onto the unconformable wedge-top basin deposits of the upper Miocene Castelvetere Group, providing constraints to the age of the activity of this thrusting event. Moreover, a 4-km-long N-S oriented electrical resistivity tomography profile, carried out along the Caserta mountains, sheds light on the structure of this thrust system in an area where it is not exposed. Further information was carried out from a tunnel excavation that allowed us to study some secondary fault splays. The kinematic analysis of out-of-sequence major and minor structures hosted both in the hanging wall (Apennine Platform carbonates) and footwall (Castelvetere Group deposits and Lagonegro-Molise Basin units) indicates the occurrence of two superposed shortening directions, about E-W and N-S, respectively. We associated these compressive structures to an out-of-sequence thrusting event defined by frontal thrusts verging to the east and lateral ramp thrusts verging to the north and south. We related the out-of-sequence thrusting episode to the positive inversion of inherited normal faults located in the Paleozoic basement. These envelopments thrust upward to crosscut the allochthonous wedge, including, in the western zone of the chain, the upper Miocene wedge-top basin deposits.
机译:我们对影响南部赤叶造山带的晚期初期序列序列推力进行了结构研究。分析的结构在坎帕尼亚地区(意大利南部)暴露。在这里,推力绑定了形成区域山骨架的碳酸盐脊的N-Ne侧。在几个露头中,中生代碳酸酯叠置在上部仲肾上腺素群组的不可形成的楔形盆沉积物上,为该推进事件的活动的年龄提供约束。此外,沿着卡塞塔山脉进行了4公里长的N-S取向电阻率断层扫描型材,在该推力系统的结构上脱光,在其未暴露的区域中。进一步的信息是从隧道挖掘执行的,使我们能够研究一些次要故障的展会。在悬挂墙(亚平宁平台碳酸盐)和脚壁(Castelvetere Group Stealits和Lagonegro-Molise Basin单元)中举办的序列超出的序列间和次要结构的运动学分析表明,关于EW和NS的两个叠加缩短方向的发生, 分别。我们将这些压缩结构与前后推力逆向北部和南部的横向坡道推动的额外推力术中定义的序列间推力事件相关联。我们与古生代地下室的继承的正常断层的正反转相关的序列逆转集。这些包络向上推动,以横冲地楔形,包括在链条中的西部地区,上部内海烯楔形盆矿床。



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