首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection >Thermodynamics and Adsorption Efficiencies of Maize Cob and Sawdust for the Remediation of Toxic Metals from Wastewater

Thermodynamics and Adsorption Efficiencies of Maize Cob and Sawdust for the Remediation of Toxic Metals from Wastewater




The thermodynamics andsorption efficiencies for the remediation of Cr, Ni and Cd from their aqueoussolutions using Maize Cob (MC) and Sawdust (SD) in a batch system are reported.Efficiencies were judged based on parameters such as sorbent weight, initialadsorbate loading concentration, pH and surface area. Shimadzu AA650 Double BeamAtomic Absorption/Flame spectrophotometer was employed to study concentrationdifferences before and after the adsorption process. Parameters such as ΔH, ΔSand ΔG were determined. On MC, ΔH varied as 1466.59, 1271.21 and 1347.70kJmol-1 for Cr, Ni and Cd respectively. While on SD it varied as -566.85, 256.32 and888.77kJmol-1respectively for the same order of metal ions. The three ions were found to bechemisorbed onto MC, while on SD Cr and Ni were physisorbed and Cd remainschemisorbed as suggested by Freundlich isotherm.
机译:报道了使用玉米芯(MC)和木屑(SD)在批处理系统中从水溶液中脱除Cr,Ni和Cd的热力学和吸附效率,并根据吸附剂重量,初始吸附物负载浓度,pH等参数来判断效率和表面积。采用Shimadzu AA650双光束原子吸收/火焰分光光度计研究吸附过程前后的浓度差异。确定诸如ΔH,ΔS和ΔG的参数。在MC上,Cr,Ni和Cd的ΔH分别为1466.59、1271.21和1347.70kJmol-1。在SD上,对于相同数量的金属离子,其变化分别为-566.85、256.32和888.77kJmol-1。根据Freundlich等温线的建议,发现这三个离子被化学吸附到MC上,而Cr和Ni被物理吸附,而Cd残留被化学吸附。



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