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Bilingual Text Messaging Translation: Translating Text Messages From English Into Spanish for the Text4Walking Program




Background Hispanic adults in the United States are at particular risk for diabetes and inadequate blood pressure control. Physical activity improves these health problems; however Hispanic adults also have a low rate of recommended aerobic physical activity. To address improving physical inactivity, one area of rapidly growing technology that can be utilized is text messaging (short message service, SMS). A physical activity research team, Text4Walking, had previously developed an initial database of motivational physical activity text messages in English that could be used for physical activity text messaging interventions. However, the team needed to translate these existing English physical activity text messages into Spanish in order to have culturally meaningful and useful text messages for those adults within the Hispanic population who would prefer to receive text messages in Spanish. Objective The aim of this study was to translate a database of English motivational physical activity messages into Spanish and review these text messages with a group of Spanish speaking adults to inform the use of these text messages in an intervention study. Methods The consent form and study documents, including the existing English physical activity text messages, were translated from English into Spanish, and received translation certification as well as Institutional Review Board approval. The translated text messages were placed into PowerPoint, accompanied by a set of culturally appropriate photos depicting barriers to walking, as well as walking scenarios. At the focus group, eligibility criteria for this study included being an adult between 30 to 65 years old who spoke Spanish as their primary language. After a general group introduction, participants were placed into smaller groups of two or three. Each small group was asked to review a segment of the translated text messages for accuracy and meaningfulness. After the break out, the group was brought back together to review the text messages. Results A translation confirmation group met at a church site in an urban community with a large population of Hispanics. Spanish speaking adults (N=8), with a mean age of 40 (SD 6.3), participated in the study. Participants were engaged in the group and viewed the text messages as culturally appropriate. They also thought that text messages could motivate them to walk more. Twenty-two new text messages were added to the original database of 246 translated text messages. While the text messages were generally understood, specific word preferences were seen related to personal preference, dialect, and level of formality which resulted in minor revisions to four text messages. Conclusions The English text messages were successfully translated into Spanish by a bilingual research staff and reviewed by Hispanic participants in order to inform the use of these text messages for future intervention studies. These Spanish text messages were recently used in a Text4Walking intervention study.
机译:背景技术在美国,西班牙裔成年人特别容易患糖尿病,并且血压控制不充分。进行体育锻炼可以改善这些健康问题;但是,西班牙裔成年人的有氧体育活动推荐率也很低。为了解决身体不活动的问题,可以使用的快速发展的技术领域之一是文本消息传递(短消息服务,SMS)。身体活动研究团队Text4Walking以前已经开发了英语励志身体活动文本消息的初始数据库,该数据库可用于身体活动文本消息传递干预措施。但是,该团队需要将这些现有的英语体育锻炼文本消息翻译成西班牙语,以便为在西班牙裔人口中希望接收西班牙语文本消息的成年人提供具有文化意义和实用意义的文本消息。目的这项研究的目的是将英语动机体育锻炼信息数据库翻译成西班牙语,并与一组讲西班牙语的成年人一起复习这些文本信息,以告知在干预研究中这些文本信息的使用。方法将同意书和研究文件(包括现有的英语体育锻炼文本消息)从英语翻译为西班牙语,并获得翻译证明和机构审查委员会的批准。翻译后的文本消息被放到PowerPoint中,并附有一组文化上适当的照片,这些照片描述了步行障碍以及步行场景。在焦点小组中,这项研究的资格标准包括30岁至65岁之间的成年人,他们以西班牙语为主要语言。在进行一般的小组介绍之后,将参与者分成两个或三个小组。每个小组被要求检查翻译的文本消息的一部分,以确保准确性和意义。分组讨论后,小组又聚在一起查看短信。结果翻译确认小组在一个人口众多的西班牙裔城市居民的教堂里会面。讲西班牙语的成年人(N = 8),平均年龄40岁(SD 6.3),参加了这项研究。参与者参加了该小组,并认为短信在文化上适当。他们还认为短信可以激励他们走得更多。 22条新的文本消息被添加到246个已翻译文本消息的原始数据库中。虽然通常理解了文本消息,但是可以看到特定的单词偏爱与个人偏爱,方言和形式级别有关,这导致对四个文本消息进行了较小的修订。结论双语研究人员成功地将英语文本消息翻译成西班牙语,并由西班牙裔参与者进行了审查,以便为将来的干预研究提供信息。这些西班牙文本消息最近用于Text4Walking干预研究中。



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