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Digital Lipoma – A Rare Resentation Of A Common Tumour




Lipoma is the commonest and widely distributed tumour of the body.1-3 We report a 43 years old female who presented with a 2x2cm lipoma over the palmar surface of the middle phalanx of the right index finger. The diagnosis was suggested by an MRI scan and surgical excision was performed. Histopathology confirmed the diagnosis. The patient was symptom-free three months later. Introduction Lipoma is derived from mesodem and is present in any part of the body where adipose tissue is present. 4 But although the hand contains a considerable amount of fat, palmar lipomas are uncommon 56 and digital lipomas are even rarer.The lipoma mostly presents as a gradually increasing painless mass. 4 MRI scan helps in correct diagnosis 4 as the tumour resembles implantation dermoid and ganglion clinically. Reassurance and careful surgical excision avoiding injury to digital neurovascular bundles is the treatment of choice. Case Report A 43 years old housewife, right handed, reported with a swelling over the middle phalanx of the right index finger.It was noticed about 1 year back and was painlessly and gradually increasing in size. From about a month , patient had been feeling difficulty in gripping objects and it was this complaint which prompted her to consult a doctor. There was no history of trauma nor did patient remember any episode of having got pricked though she did not rule out any such possibilty while doing routine work at home. There was no other past medical or surgical history of significance.Examination revealed a 2cm x 2cm smooth, non tender swelling over the volar surface of middle phalanx of right index finger.the swelling was soft, non compressible, mobile and the skin over it was normal. The index finger had no neurodeficit or vascular compromise. There was no lymphadenopathy nor was there any other visible/palpable swelling on general physical examination. After clinical examination, the swelling was provisionally diagnosed as an implantation dermoid, lipoma or a ganglion. A plain radiograph revealed features of a soft tissue and MRI scan revealed a well defined soft tissue suggestive of a lipoma anterior to flexor tendons of the involved digit.Blood investigations were within normal limits. Excision of the swelling was done under general anaesthesia with proximal tourniquet control. Magnification was achieved with the help of mabnifyong loupes. The swelling was encapsulated and separated from underelying flexor tendons.The retrieved specimen measured 2.5cms x 2.5cms and histopathological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of lipoma. The patient was symptom free after three months of surgery.
机译:脂肪瘤是人体中最常见且分布广泛的肿瘤。1-3我们报道了一名43岁的女性,她的右手食指中指掌掌表面出现2x2cm脂肪瘤。 MRI扫描提示诊断,并进行了手术切除。组织病理学证实了诊断。该患者三个月后无症状。引言脂肪瘤源自中胚层,存在于存在脂肪组织的身体任何部位。 4尽管手中含有大量脂肪,但手掌脂肪瘤并不常见56,而手指脂肪瘤则更为罕见。脂瘤通常表现为无痛性肿块逐渐增加。 4 MRI扫描有助于正确诊断4因为肿瘤在临床上类似于植入性皮样神经节。放心和谨慎的手术切除避免对指状神经血管束的伤害是治疗的选择。病例报告一位43岁的家庭主妇右手报告右手食指中指肿胀,大约1年前被发现并且无痛且逐渐增大。从大约一个月开始,患者一直难以抓握物体,正是这种抱怨促使她去看医生。没有外伤史,患者也没有记住任何被刺伤的事件,尽管她在家里进行例行工作时并未排除任何此类可能性。过去没有其他重要的医学或外科手术史,检查显示右手食指中指骨掌侧表面有2cm x 2cm的光滑,无压痛的肿胀,肿胀柔软,不可压缩,活动并且其上皮正常。食指没有神经缺陷或血管受损。在常规体格检查中,没有淋巴结肿大,也没有其他可见/可触及的肿胀。临床检查后,肿胀被临时诊断为植入性皮样,脂肪瘤或神经节。普通X线片显示软组织特征,MRI扫描显示明确定义的软组织提示受累手指屈伸肌腱前有脂肪瘤,血液检查均在正常范围内。肿胀的切除是在全身麻醉和近端止血带控制下进行的。放大是借助mabnifyong放大镜实现的。将肿胀包囊并与屈伸肌腱分开。取回的标本尺寸为2.5cms x 2.5cms,并且组织病理学分析证实了脂肪瘤的诊断。手术三个月后,患者无症状。



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