首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Brain and Cognitive Sciences >Intentional Memory Instructions do not Improve Visual Memory

Intentional Memory Instructions do not Improve Visual Memory




The current experiment examines whether intentional encoding instructions improve long-term recognition memory for visual appearance. Past experiments suffer from various methodological flaws, such as inadequate statistical power or confounding of variables such as attention and task relevance withintentional memory instructions.In the current experiment, the effect of memory instructions was examined using a factorial design, so that attention to/task relevance of objects could be manipulated independently of memory instructions. The sample size was large enough to achieve power equal to .80 for medium effect sizes (f = .25). There was no effect of intentional memory instructions. These results suggest that observers cannot easily enhance encoding and storage of visual information in long-term memory.
机译:当前实验检查有意编码指令是否可以改善视觉外观的长期识别记忆。过去的实验存在各种方法上的缺陷,例如统计能力不足或注意记忆指令中注意和任务相关性等变量的混淆。在当前实验中,使用析因设计检查了记忆指令的效果,因此关注/任务对象的相关性可以独立于存储器指令进行操作。样本大小足够大,以达到中等效果大小时等于.80的功效(f = .25)。有意记忆指令没有影响。这些结果表明,观察者不能轻易地增强视觉信息在长期记忆中的编码和存储。



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