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Information Technology: What Does It Mean for Scientists and Scholars in the Developing World?


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Toni Morrison, winner of the 1993 Nobel Prize for literature and author of the trilogy Beloved, Jazz and Paradise, once said that it seemed as if writing about the life and sensibilities of Black people didn't really count; it was not thought important enough to merit attention; it was peripheral. Doing science or working in any area of scholarship in a developing country is somewhat like being a Black in the Alabama of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. One is at a great disadvantage. In an imperfect world, one who works under adverse conditions in a developing country needs to achieve a lot more to win some recognition than those who work under far better conditions in the advanced countries.
机译:托尼·莫里森(Toni Morrison)是1993年诺贝尔文学奖的得主,也是《挚爱,爵士和天堂》三部曲的作者。人们认为它不够重要,不足以引起注意;这是外围设备。在发展中国家从事科学工作或在任何奖学金领域工作都像是在哈珀·李的《杀死一只知更鸟》的阿拉巴马州的黑人。一个处于极大的劣势。在一个不完美的世界中,在发展中国家处于不利条件下工作的人比在发达国家处于更好条件下工作的人要取得更大的成就才能赢得一定的认可。



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