首页> 中文期刊> 《经济林研究》 >大关野生喜马拉雅红豆杉的生境特点及生物学特性




Scattered Taxus wall ichiana Zucc, which were unevenly distributed in the mountains, were found for the first time in two towns and one township in Daguan County of Yunnan Province in May, 2002.In order to provide a theoretical basis for the future plantation and management, the habitat and biological characteristics of T.wallichiana Zucc were investigated and analyzed for many years at many places.The results showed that wild T.wallichiana Zucc grew and died without outside interference in the poor site conditions.The higher altitude, the higher trees, being dominant trees in the upper canopy.The lower elevation, the more small plants, being small trees or shrubs that belonged to sub-dominant trees.It has significant phenomenon of alernate bearing, and it was a kind of light-loving hardy tree that growed well in the fog and fertile soil of alpine region.For asexual reproduction, the sprouted buds of tree stump or trunk could grow trees, and the buds from branch growed up to be shrubby.Light,humidity and temperature were factors that affected cutting survival.Pointing at some serious damage phenomenon of cutting trees, digging seedling, reclaiming and so on, some suggestions were put forward.%2002年5月在云南省大关县的2镇1乡首次发现有零星的喜马拉雅红豆杉不均匀地分布在崇山峻岭中.为给以后人工造林及经营管理提供理论依据,对喜马拉雅红豆杉的生境特点及生物学特征进行了多年和多处的实地调查与分析.结果表明:野生喜马拉雅红豆杉,其立地条件差,处于自生自灭状态;海拔越高其植株越高大,为乔木,处于林冠上层,属于优势木,海拔越低植株越矮小,为小乔木或灌木,属于亚优势木;其结实都有明显的大小年现象;喜马拉雅红豆杉是一种喜光耐寒的树种,在有雾及土壤肥沃的高寒山区长势良好;采取其树蔸萌生芽或主干上的萌生芽无性繁殖的植株均能长成乔木,采取其侧枝上的芽培植的植株呈灌木状;影响扦插成活的因素有光照、湿度、温度.针对调查中发现的人为砍伐和挖幼苗、开垦、放牧等十分严重的破坏现象,提出了如下建议:当地各级政府与相关领导要高度重视,林业主管部门要做到严格执法,加强执法力度,坚决打击各种破坏行为;在气候和土壤等条件相同或相近的山地,扩大种植面积,大量发展喜马拉雅山红豆杉;在现有野生喜马拉雅红豆杉连片的高山上规划和建立生态自然保护区.充分发挥野生喜马拉雅红豆杉的经济、社会和生态效益.



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