首页> 中文期刊> 《西夏研究》 >论西夏的石刻档案




西夏档案虽然在蒙古军队的铁蹄下几乎毁坏殆尽,但从近年考古出土的西夏文献以及相关的史籍记载来看,西夏的档案种类几如中原王朝一样齐全,特别是考古出土的西夏石刻档案,成为保留西夏社会发展各个方面最为原始和真实的记录,十分珍贵。为此,本文首先对考古出土的西夏石刻档案及史籍记载的相关西夏石刻档案作一细致的钩沉和梳理,其次对西夏石刻档案的种类、价值等进行比较深入的论述,从而实现对西夏石刻档案比较全面正确的认识。%The Tangut' s archives on stone are almost destroyed by the Mongolian army; however, based on the unearthed Tangut references and relative historical records, types of Tangut' s archives are complete as the Central Plain' s. The Tangut' s archives on stone are of great importance for saving all the records in every part of the Tangut society' s development. As a result, the paper first introduces these archives on stone and relative historical records. Then the paper further discusses the type and value of these archives on stone and finally works out a complete and correct recognition of Tangut' s archives on stone.



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