首页> 中文期刊> 《山西建筑》 >隧道下穿高速公路台阶法施工




以某隧道下穿通过高速公路、跨线桥基础施工为工程背景,建立了三维有限元模型,通过仿真计算对比分析三种开挖方法对地表沉降的影响,确定采用台阶法进行下穿公路隧道施工的方案较为合理,并结合工程特点对台阶法施工工艺及技术特点进行了详细介绍。结果表明:采用台阶法施工该下穿公路隧道安全、可靠、工效高,对类似隧道施工有一定的参考价值。%Taking some tunnel undercrossing some expressway and flyover foundation construction as the engineering background, the paper es- tablishes the three-dimension finite element model, illustrates that the adoption of the bench method is reasonable for the undercrossing road tun- nel construction by simulating, calculating and analyzing the three excavation methods on the surface settlement, introduces the construction craft of the bench method and its technical features by combining the engineering features, and proves by the result that the adoption of the bench method can have the safe, reliable and efficient undercrossing road tunnel, so as to have certain reference value for similar tunnel construction.



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