首页> 中文期刊> 《皮革与化工》 >冷杉栲胶的制取及鞣革试验




Abies fabri bark, collected from Heshui Forest Area of Yunnan, was extracted by water solution or sulfiting and the tanning extract with water was mooified by sulfjting or syntan. Then the four extracts were used to tan skin under the same conditions to compare their tanning properties. The results of experiments show that the extract extracted by sulfiting in thc process may decrease its combination tannin and tanring number, but it has a lower deposits in tanning solutiorm fast penetration to skin and mild astrigcnce with skin. Furthermore, the resultant leather is fullness, stiffn~s and appearance of lightness. The extract modified by syntan has almost the same tanning properties as the one extracted by sulfiting in the process. In a word, the way to extracted by sulfiting in the process is the best way to prepare tannin extract. Also, the extract modified by syntan should be another choice for its fast penetration and stronger combination.%我国冷杉蓄积量丰富,广泛分布于西南、西北广大林区,开发利用冷杉鞣料具有重要意义。本文采用几种不同的浸提方法制取冷杉栲胶:1)水浸提;2)添加亚硫酸盐,包括在浸提过程中和浸提后的溶液中加入两种方法;3)合成单宁改性。用不同方法制取的栲胶做了鞣革研究,比较其成革性能。试验结果表明,冷杉栲胶经亚硫酸盐和合成单宁处理后,沉淀减少,渗透速度加快,成革丰满坚实,颜色浅淡,鞣革性能得到较大的改善。加亚硫酸盐浸提的栲胶结合鞣质和鞣制系数虽有所下降,但渗透速度却快得多,而日.栲胶的浸提率大,因而列为首选的方法。浓胶加合成单宁的方法因渗透快和结合力较强,也可供选择。



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