首页> 中文期刊> 《咸阳师范学院学报》 >基于UG/OPEN API的整体叶盘快速建模工具开发

基于UG/OPEN API的整体叶盘快速建模工具开发



The three dimensional model of blisk is the core product data in its development process. So it is very important to improve the modeling speed and efficiency. The paper systematic analysis the type of structure features of blisk and study the blisk modeling process firstly. Using the UG/OPEN Application Program Interface technology, the rapid modeling tool of blisk is developed. The effectiveness and reliability of the tool are proved by a three dimensional modeling for blisk of a certain type aero engine.%整体叶盘三维模型是其研制过程中的核心产品数据,为了提升整体叶盘建模速度和效率,系统分析了整体叶盘结构特征形式,研究了整体叶盘建模流程,利用UG/OPEN API技术开发了整体叶盘快速建模工具,实现了某型号航空发动机整体叶盘三维模型快速构建,验证了工具的有效性和可靠性。



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