首页> 中文期刊> 《天水师范学院学报》 >子路形象的特殊性成因探析




Rural environment is Zilu’s feral roots personality, Confucian gentleman's education has important influ⁃ence on Zilu. In the analects of Confucius, Zilu savage temperament and the gentleman poise blend infiltration, push-pull, Zilu’s death is a savage temperament and the gentleman poise at the end of the race for, perceptual and rational Armageddon, and reflects the Zilu is different from the Confucius's Concept of Rightness and Benefit. Zilu as any given characteristic of the composite temperament struck a chord with the offspring of the mind, he has a natu⁃ral and unrestrained bold of the chivalrous, he has a strong presence of general, become the benchmarking of civil and military for later Confucian scholars, caused countless Zilu advance wave upon wave, Makes the image of the unique existence of our heart.%乡野成长环境是子路性格的野性根源,孔子的君子教育对子路养成君子风度有重要影响。《论语》里子路的野人气质和君子风度的交融渗透,此消彼长,子路之死就是野人气质和君子风度的最后角逐,感性和理性的大决战,并且体现出了子路有别于孔子的义利观。子路作为寒门贵子特有的复合气质引起了后代士人的心灵共鸣,他有侠客的潇洒果敢,他有儒将的刚强风度,成为后世儒生文武双全的标杆,引起无数个子路们前赴后继,使得这一形象成为我们心底独特的存在。



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