首页> 中文期刊> 《技术经济与管理研究》 >不完全信息条件下商业集群形成的问题研究




Business clusters effect is playing an increasingly essential role in our daily life. Seeing that many large scale business clusters in foreign countries, such as shopping malls, are located at suburben areas, thus this paper forcuses on causes of business clusters formation by means of annular market model of Salop.S.C. The conclusion is that consumers prefer to search for desired products from places of business clusters with the existence of transport costs in the condition of imperfect information. Due to the attraction of business clusters, consumers may choose to go to cluster area for shopping, though the distance may be further, in stead of purchasing goods at more recent while isolated stores. Thus policy suggestions lie at this:for the purpose of economizing scare resources, we intend to build some business clusters at suburb, such as big malls, when we carry on urban construction plan with complete transportion basis, thus to relieve the pressure of traffic jams in city as well as to improve the resource allocation efficiency.%商业集群在人们生活中所起的作用日益重要,针对国外许多大型商业集群,如购物中心等通常都建立在郊区的情形,文章借助于Salop.S.C的环形市场模型,对不完全信息条件下商业集群形成的原因进行了分析,得出的结论是:在不完全信息条件下,由于运输成本的存在,消费者对欲购商品的最优搜寻是从商业集群处开始。由于商业集群的魅力所在,就导致了消费者有可能舍近求远,直接到距离较远的商店集聚区进行购物,而不是选择在距离较近的孤立商店购物。据此给出的政策性建议是:当我们在进行城市建设规划时,在交通设施比较完备的条件下,为了节约市区的稀缺资源,可以有选择的在郊区建立一些商业集群,如大型购物中心等,这样既可以有效缓解市内交通拥堵的压力,也可以有效提高资源的配置效率。



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