首页> 中文期刊> 《技术经济与管理研究》 >市场机制在企业管理中的应用研究




From a perspective of internal market mechanisms, this thesis finds out that a special emphasis on the internal utiliza-tion of market theories will lead to the optimization of managerial hierarchy and adaptability of our enterprises , through giving accounts of market mechanism theories with regards to this matter and systematically analyzing current problems that encounter our enterprises when it comes to development and reform. As the study shows, managerial system has not yet been well established among enterprises, which results in lack of motivation, constraints, team spirit, distinction between duties and rights and internal supervision. The afore-mentioned problems could be addressed by the introduction of market theories, which would greatly contribute to market development, expanded reproduction and corruption avoidance. Based on the importance and inevitability of implementing market theories , this thesis explores how to utilize such theories within enterprises, and how to reinforce such utilization, so that enterprises could thrive under a highly efficient internal market mechanism.%文章基于企业内部市场机制运行的视角,对相关市场机制理论进行了梳理,系统分析了我国企业内部运行机制发展变革过程中存在的问题,并特别强调市场机制在企业内部应用不仅能够优化企业原有组织管理结构,更能增强企业适应力。研究发现,企业在管理制度的建立上还尚未健全,缺乏激励和约束机制,内部员工团队意识不强,部门之间权责不清,内部监管不力等问题较为突出。正因为这些问题的存在,企业内部引入市场机制在企业顺应市场发展,扩大再生产,避免腐败等方面显得尤为重要。通过阐述在企业内部推行市场机制的必然性和重要性的基础上,从市场机制在公司内部经营管理中的应用以及如何加强企业内部市场机制应用两个方面提出多项符合实际的对策建议,以期企业内部高效应用市场机制,促进企业有序发展。



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